A son was born

3 minute read Published: 2020-05-16

This was meant to be a tech related blog, mostly for Broodwar AI related stuff and private projects. Since private projects are included, I guess one could call my son a private project.

Screaming into the light, he was born in late February. His name is Benjamin, which I am certain means horse-dung in some weird language. I do not care, go away! And due to Corona, we have been left alone for most of the time since then.

My last blog entry was in January, and up until now I really did not have the energy to write a new article. But since most of my free time is now reserved for serving the little demon, I'll just write about what I know best now: My spawn. Prepare for many picture which may or may not include my son (hint: nope, no pix from him - maybe in a later post).

As with all babies, he is cute (actually I believe mostly parents find most babies cute, for my part they look like french baguettes mostly...). If you remember Tamagochi, it is really its human form.

Lucky for me, we have a spare room - otherwise working would be very hard due to missing shut-eye. Which means shift 1 is work, shift 2 is work, shift 3 is sleep. And things like this mostly eat into shift 3.

A little human goes through a lot of development phases. There is the cute phase...

Not mine
Not mine

Then there is the crying phase...

Still not mine
Nope, still not mine

And there is the default happy phase

Really, what the
Definitely not mine

OK, the last one might be slightly exaggerated. And it is not the default. At least for my son, most of the time he is pretty happy.

You are supposed to react to the baby's needs. Ignore that at your own peril (eardrums). Really, a lot of time I look at my son and this is what I see:

Are the all able to look like thatReally, what the?
Same smirk, but not mine

I believe the general baby package works like this:

Thing is, the first few weeks you could care less. Your baby can see like 30cm (about 12in you strange people who stopped in time). It can't really focus or look at you. After that it actually can focus you, which is good - it can now target practice with its sound-wave gun while looking at you.

Then it starts to smile at you. First for short periods of time, then more. It might also randomly switch from crying, screaming, and laughing.

We're currently within the Stan phase. What that is?


And with that, I will conclude today's rant.